
Media reports on Bliss Hoi An in TOP 10 HOTTEST NEW HOTELS - WORLDWIDE AWARD

Ngày đăng: 20.06.2023

Bliss Hoi An Beach Resort & Wellness is delighted to announce that our resort has been voted as one of the Top 25 most attractive new hotels in the world (Hottest New Hotels - Worldwide) by Tripadvisor. Bliss Hoi An has ranked in the Top 10 and is the only beach resort representing Vietnam.

This award was compiled by Tripadvisor based on data analysis from real traveler reviews at over 1.5 million accommodations worldwide throughout the year (January 1st to December 31st, 2022). Less than 1% of Tripadvisor's 8 million listings receive the Best of the Best award, which signifies the highest level of excellence in the hospitality industry.

We would like to express our gratitude to the media and the press for highlighting Bliss Hoi An with this prestigious award:

  1. VNExpress.net: Click here
  2. Dantri.com.vn: Click here
  3. Triapadvisor: Click here
  4. Zingnews.vn: Click here
  5. 24h.com.vn: Click here
  6. Laodong.vn: Click here
  7. Baoquangnam.vn: Click here
  8. VNExpress.net: Click here
  9. Hoteljob.vn: Click here
  10. Daibieunhandan.vn: Click here
  11. Tổng cục Du lịch: Click here
  12. Tổng cục Du lịch: Click here 
  13. Chuyên trang Đầu tư TC của báo SGGP: Click here
  14. Topplus.vn: Click here
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Bliss Hoi An Resort boasts an extremely quiet and isolated location with open sea views and a long, romantic coastline